
Opponents of 'Stand Your Ground' Predicted Racially Motivated Killings

TedStriker3/21/2012 9:47:02 pm PDT

re: #6 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks

I haven’t been following this story as closely as most people here, but from what I have gathered, it seems the LEOs on scene need to be taking the most heat (of any official) for not doing their fucking job right.

That is, if what I have gathered is correct.

As well they should; the DoJ needs to come down hard on the Sanford PD. Their police chief and the responding officers need to get their walking papers over this.

That said, the politicians (those currently in office, such as Baxley, and those out of office, such as Jeb Bush) who had a hand in enacting this POS law also deserve to be tarred and feathered over this (figuratively, of course).