
Diversity Forever: The University of California Backs a Tax Hike to Support Its Ever-Expanding Bureaucracy

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)9/22/2012 3:34:04 am PDT

re: #6 researchok


So you don’t like the source. Do you have any evidence Scaife influences the editorial process?

Nope. Just that he funds it and that they promote terrible, racist authors.

That invalidates everything Heather McDonald might write and everything that comes from City Journal.

Nope. It just brings it into question, especially when there’s a spittle-flecked rant about the ‘diversity industry’ and how it’s destroying everything.

Oh, and here’s a hint the article may have been about more than one hire:

The title:

Diversity Forever: The University of California Backs a Tax Hike to Support Its Ever-Expanding Bureaucracy

Yet weirdly, there are no actual figures in the article about total spending on ‘diversity’ or even a comparison of spending on bureaucracy vs. professorships and the like. Just repeated assertions that they’re obsessed with diversity and that the bureaucracy is expanding.