
NJ Gov. Christie Praises Obama's Response to Hurricane Sandy: "Outstanding"

Kragar10/30/2012 10:37:31 am PDT

Engle: ‘Prophetic Experiences Seemed to Indicate that Romney was a Sort of Window of Mercy to America ‘

In a new opinion piece, Lou Engle explains that that he has always had a strict principle that he will not vote “for anyone who by legal decree supports the shedding of innocent blood, believing such a vote would make me an accomplice to the act” and always “to reject the compromise of simply voting for the lesser of two evils, believing that my allegiance is given to a higher King and a higher kingdom, therefore my no-vote actually becomes a prophetic act, a vote of conscience, not abdication.”

Engle’s position also included “no exceptions for rape and incest, understanding that life begins at conception” … but like so many other Religious Right activists, Engle too has found a way to justify voting for Mitt Romney; in his case because a close friend had a dream that showed “Romney was clearly favorable from a divine perspective” and other “prophetic experiences [that] seemed to indicate that Romney was a sort of window of mercy to America”: