
MILLIONAIRE'S ISLAND: A Simple Example of Why 'Rich People' Don't Create Jobs (And What Galt's Gulch Would Look Like)

Prononymous, rogue demon hunter11/11/2012 8:33:42 am PST

re: #2 Barflytom

You clearly didn’t read the article before spouting off your stupid propaganda point. Not surprising.

The article doesn’t advocate putting more money in the hands of the government. It advocates a change in the current business culture that focuses on profits at the expense of all else. It suggests that businesses should pay their own employees more. With more disposable income the employees therefore would demand more products and services from their own and other businesses. And that’s who really creates the jobs, customers with enough income to afford products and services.

I could also go into why the details of your comment are wrong and stupid, but it’s a red herring and not worth pursuing.