
Israel's only alternative

Mad Prophet Ludwig12/11/2012 1:01:00 pm PST

Dear Rochi613,

I love the reference in your handle.

Do not let knee-jerk left-wing magical balance fairies dissuade you from stating the truth any more than right-wing magical balance fairies would.

Certain hot -button issues make certain people simply blind to any facts, truth, logic or evidence that does not fit their own internal narrative. The supposedly more educated and enlightened left, (and in general and certainly in America they are more enlightened and educated) is blind to the security realities of Israel, the deprivations of the Palestinian pseudo terrorist states, the larger Arab political game in which the Palestinians are pawns and the greater global power game in which both are pawns - not to mention the actual factual history.

They want to see the Palestinians as poor and oppressed folks who are simply victims. That is their narrative. We Jews are good proxies for a lot of Western guilt. They can not stomach the idea that the Palestinians never fail to fail at peace, do not want peace and brought much of the situation on themselves. There would be no walls and checkpoints if there were no suicide bombers. That is why the walls and checkpoints were made. Because of the walls they turned to rockets. There would be no military clean ups in Gaza if there were no rocket attacks. Of course, Gaza used to be Egypt and it used to be the West bank of Jordan. There would be no Gaza or West Bank if not for the larger Arab political game.

But such details are not relevant to the fervid left. Don’t even try to tell them about the crushed Palestinian coup in Jordan - or the obvious implications of that for the region. Don’t even try to tell them about the three no’s. Don’t bother reminding them that Hamas really was voted into power on a “we murder more Jews campaign” and that the Palestinians therefore voted for war and honestly have responsibility when Hamas starts wars.

Many thousands more Arabs died in Syria, and are still dying than in the recent unpleasantness. Our lefty pearl clutchers barely seem to notice that. That was because it was Arab on Arab.

Such details are not relevant.

The left is nothing if not a hypocrite on Israel and just as blind to the truths of the situation as the right is on issues of climate, women’s rights and the age of the universe.

They are just as blind.

They are just as unwilling to listen to reason.

Just like righties, they will glance past these facts and move to other talking points.

However, it is worth it and necessary to keep telling the truth. Not everyone has drunk this particular cool-aid.