
Israelis Aren't Far-Right, They've Just Abandoned a Delusion

Aligarr1/16/2013 10:06:05 pm PST

Israelis in general DO desire a two state solution . They are however realists and KNOW that is NOT what the Palestinians want . They are realists ; The Palestinian National Charter STILL contains the language calling for Israel’s Destruction and removal of Jews from the land . The Removal of that language was THE FIRST STEP TO BE TAKEN by the palestinians in OSLO .
Three times that change came before the Palestinian National Council for a vote , and three times it was REJECTED . The Hamas Charter and Hezbollah Proclaimation call for the same . Survival is the instinct that guides and directs the people of Israel . Morsi’s recent public outburst , accentuates the REALITY of the muslim world , in its attitudes and goals regarding Israel .