
Attention Feline Owners (Underlords)

HRH Stanley Sea2/10/2013 3:13:43 pm PST

re: #6 klys

When I met my husband, I hadn’t lived with cats ever (always wanted to). The first night I went over to his place, I had a full blown allergy attack (stuffy, red eyes, etc.). He had a Burmese kitty (short hair).

I took allergy meds when things got really bad and made sure to wash my hands after petting the cat and before touching my eyes and within a year it stopped being an issue. There’s definitely a bit of time to get acclimated but if you weren’t allergic before I wouldn’t see it being a long term issue.

Because it’s a cat thread, I feel ok posting these:

Lionel is huge and likes to sleep curled up under the quilt next to me.

Esther is a diva.

William is my baby. I do wonder if he is a permanently stoned cat though.

Aw they are beautiful.

OK, any advice about the grumpy one I like?