
Elizabeth Warren beats the crap out of the Jim Cramer crew

Birth Control Works7/17/2013 4:47:32 pm PDT

re: #78 EPR-radar

The drunk driving analogy is probably a poor fit because a drunk driver does end up feeling the pain of his/her actions via lost license, insurance issue etc.

For the banks, their executives profit from fostering banking bubbles, and in general they have no personal risk. For a TBTF bank, the deal is even sweeter, because the public will bail out the bank itself.

Perhaps malpractice insurance for anyone that passes any of the various tests required —Series 7 etc. the CLU etc.

We have to see civil suits being brought by those who lost do to the crisis. Instead of getting a job in government or another high-level banking job, some of these guys should be sued as individuals.