
CyberWar: Syrian Electronic Army Targets New York Times and Twitter

austin_blue8/27/2013 5:56:15 pm PDT


Cruise missiles or precision strikes…

Pesky choices!

Follow the Prowlers:

If they move these bad boys forward, we’ll be taking down Chinless’ air defense system and sending in the strike guys to deliver JDAMs and JSOW anti-armor packages. My guess for why we will do this is to give the Syrians such a huge materiel loss (read: destroy lots and lots of really expensive stuff) that they will be hugely degraded in the fight against the Freedom Fighters/rebels/Islamists/ whatever the fuck they are, solely because they screwed the pooch and deployed nerve agents. It will also make them naked to future air strikes by anyone in the neighborhood.

Even an ophthalmologist can understand the really bad strategery in that.

Oh, and I’m hoping the strike will be before Thursday sundown. Bad form to hit ‘em on their Holy Day. Too Egyptian (see Yom Kippur, ‘73).