
Edward Snowden Gives Washington Post the NSA "Black Budget"

simoom8/29/2013 11:21:02 am PDT

From the article:

The Washington Post is withholding some information after consultation with U.S. officials who expressed concerns about the risk to intelligence sources and methods. Sensitive details are so pervasive in the documents that The Post is publishing only summary tables and charts online.

And of course from that previous SPIEGEL story:

SPIEGEL has decided not to publish details it has seen about secret operations that could endanger the lives of NSA workers. Nor is it publishing the related internal code words.

And finally from Greenwald & Snowden’s false flag conspiracy write-up following the UK Independent’s story:

This is the first time the Independent has published any revelations purportedly from the NSA documents, and it’s the type of disclosure which journalists working directly with NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden have thus far avoided. …

Snowden: “The journalists I have worked with have, at my request, been judicious and careful in ensuring that the only things disclosed are what the public should know but that does not place any person in danger.”

Do neither of these morons see the issue with spreading information this sensitive into more and more hands (w/ varying amounts of technical competence), onto networks and computers (w/ varying degrees of security), whether or not editors exercise some minimal restraint? All these major papers have been compromised by foreign hackers in the past, and obviously they’re just creating more incentive for further cyber espionage now.