
The Ineffable Allen West: Democrats Try to Win Women's Votes by 'Talking From the Waist Down'

Justanotherhuman1/27/2014 2:12:06 pm PST

Don’t get me wrong, this isn’t about female “superiority” or hating men, it’s just life in all its basics. After all, I have sons, a grandson, great-grandsons and love them all. But—

West would be surprised to know that the area below the waist on women is the “command post” for bringing life into the world and women make that decision. West wouldn’t even be here except for his mother doing the same thing women do—having sex, getting pregnant and having the baby. Did that make her a slut? Wasn’t that her decision to have him? She could have chosen differently. And isn’t that the real point they’re trying to make? That they resent that kind of natural power? That they don’t have the real power that women do in bringing human life into the world, or not, to have that choice? Women are not a monolithic group who do everything the same way—we’re individuals and we make our own choices.

Thus, they must try to control our bodies. It’s just part of their fascist outlook on life, that people must be controlled.

Will these stupid bastards ever learn?