
Judson Phillips (Tea Party Nation): Jan Brewer's Veto Imposed Mandatory Giant Penis Cakes

Orange Impostor2/27/2014 2:39:29 pm PST

Time for the Republican “Big Tent” to shrink yet again.

Today’s victim of their partisanship? Veterans.

Senate rejects bill on veterans benefits

The largest piece of veterans legislation in decades — aimed at expanding health care, education and other benefits — was rejected Thursday by the Senate on a procedural issue after proponents failed to obtain 60 votes to keep the bill alive.

Wrangling over an issue — veterans — that often receives bipartisan support, the legislation died on a vote of 56-41, with only two Republicans voting for it.

The main sticking point for this bill was that Republicans insisted on attaching a rider that would add sanctions to Iran - which are not only opposed by the Obama administration and State Department because it would endanger ongoing negotiations, but also by the Department of Defense as being unnecessary. Since the amendment was not included, Republicans almost unanimously voted against the benefits package.