
Chuck C. Johnson Is Confused by the Concept of Traveling Nurses

EPR-radar10/16/2014 6:30:49 pm PDT

re: #55 Charles Johnson

Rush Limbaugh is also starting to pimp the Ginger Avenger.

Let’s face it, the right wing base in 2014 loves sociopaths like Chuck Johnson. The fact that he’s wrong all the time is a PLUS to them, not a minus, because all they see is that the evil liberals get upset at what he posts, and that’s all they care about. Facts are meaningless and worthless to this crowd — it’s all about keeping the hate and fear alive.

So the only way to deal with people like this creep is to stay on their case and always point out when they lie or distort facts. This reaches the only people it CAN reach, people who still value reason and honesty and integrity.

Hopefully this message will start getting through to the voters I hold most responsible for the horrible state of US politics —- ‘moderate Republicans’.

While claiming to not approve of the various stupidities and evils of the committed wingnuts (and in some cases capable, when pressed, of admitting that the GOP is being taken over by malicious loons), the moderate Republican will, nevertheless, hold his/her nose and consistently vote GOP. Presumably ‘the Democrats are worse’, but I have never seen a justification for this absurd proposition that was not 100% RWNJ talking point drivel.

However, such votes give the raving wingnuts real power, so the ‘moderate Republicans’ are just as guilty of fostering wingnut malignancy as any other GOP voters. Intent doesn’t matter at all when the actual effect of your votes for the GOP is to screw over everyone who isn’t a filthy rich wingnut.