
Jeb Bush Is a Fan of "Scientific Racist" Charles Murray

Backwoods Sleuth4/30/2015 5:12:14 pm PDT

BALTIMORE (WJZ ) — From the beginning, the investigation into what killed Freddie Gray has centered on what happened inside the police transport van.

We knew there was another prisoner inside the van and tonight we hear from him.

WJZ’s Mike Schuh is the first to speak with Donta Allen about what he heard.

“I am Donta Allen. I am the one who was in the van with Freddie Gray,” Allen said.

The one who the police commissioner calls the second prisoner in the van.

“The second prisoner who was picked up said that he didn’t see any harm done to Freddie at all,” Commissioner Anthony Batts said. “What he has said us that he heard Freddie thrashing about.”

But Allen wants to set something straight.

“All I did was go straight to the station, but I heard a little banging like he was banging his head,” he said.

He tells WJZ he’s angry about an internal police report published in The Washington Post.

“And they trying to make it seem like I told them that, I made it like Freddie Gray did that to hisself (sic),” Allen said. “Why the [expletive] would he do that to hisself (sic)?”