
Friday Night Jam: Ajoyo, "Benskin"

Orange Impostor12/05/2015 1:45:42 am PST

Reset that national embarrassment counter for Texas back to zero.

Texas secession resolution passes GOP committee, headed for Party vote Saturday

It was introduced by State Republican Executive Committee member Tanya Robertson, who represents parts of Harris, Galveston and Brazoria counties. In November, she told the Chronicle that many of her constituents had voiced support for a reborn Republic of Texas, the short-lived nation of the mid-1800s.

The resolution reads, “If the federal government continues to disregard the constitution and the sovereignty of the State of Texas, the State of Texas should reassert its status as an independent nation.”

The SREC is the governing body of the Republican Party of Texas, and it decides what will appear on the March 1 Republican primary ballot. The Party is currently assembled in Austin to author the ballot. On Friday, the independence resolution passed the Resolutions Committee, which selects items to go before the full 40-member assembly on Saturday. Of 12 resolutions presented at the committee Friday, five were approved, including independence, members said.