
Oath Keepers Militia Leader Fantasizes About Civil War on Far Right Radio: Obama Wants 'Dead Cops' in Oregon

The Ghost of a Flea1/14/2016 11:19:10 am PST

re: #60 451_Montag

The thing that gets me about these militant\freeman\libertarian types is that they think after the revolution they will be sitting at the top table, doing all that being in chargey-type stuff.

Imagine if there was a military coup in the states. Do they really think that after that, the military as a whole is going to lay guns down at their feet and swear loyalty to their vision of a “New ‘Murika”?

All they will have done is swap an elected government for one that is a bit happier with the old bang sticks and aren’t afraid to use it.

Well, there’s the ones that lack the imagination to extrapolate that far into the future, the ones vain enough to imagine that they’ll win or just woo over the military with their rectitude, and the ones that are deeply excited at the prospect of all the retaliatory violence that will be dished out against anybody that objects.