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EPR-radar2/23/2016 3:50:48 pm PST

re: #74 BeachDem

I’d call Lindsay Graham a craven dog, but that would be a totally unfair insult to craven dogs everywhere.

So I’ll have to content myself with this: Lindsay Graham is a ‘moderate’ Republican.

One of the spineless wonders of the world, the moderate Republican differs from its more aggressively noxious relatives by occasionally sounding reasonable. This never lasts long. Such reasonableness is usually heavily contaminated with both-siderist bullshit, and is invariably part of a talking point emission reflex (much like that of a squid) in response to perceived threats from the center or left. In response to perceived threats from the right, the ‘moderate’ Republican adopts a protective coloration camouflage, and Tea Parties right along with the most dim-witted and malicious members of the GOP base.