
Overnight Jam: Plini, "Every Piece Matters"

Randall Gross3/28/2016 6:46:51 am PDT

My half a decade old video card gave up the ghost over the weekend, and I had to replace it. So being the kind person that I am I put an Nvidia 980 in my wife’s PC because she’s still killing people online while I gave up on that a few years back .

I got her hand me down 760 and … it’s fantastic for my photos & lightroom.

I had no clue the amount of definition I was not seeing until I stuck the hand me down card in. IF you are a photographer and haven’t upgraded cards in a > 3 years, I recommend that you get a new card. You don’t have to go for the top of the line - you can round up pretty decent cards in the 120.00 -150.00 range if you shop around.