
Pure Right Wing Cynicism: Breitbart's Editor-in-Chief Admits They Defended Roy Moore From Child Molestation Accusations to Protect Trump From Sexual Assault Accusations

William Lewis12/15/2017 2:55:44 pm PST

re: #73 Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis

This helps explain why millenials are vulnerable to fascist indoctrination.

As if any of this is fucking new to the Millennials? I’ve been living this way since I can remember. X’ers have been getting screwed by Boomer greed for 30+ years now… /////

It’s not a bad article & some of the points it makes are very important but it’s even more critical not to imagine that this is somehow only a case of Millennials good Boomers bad. Rather every generation as it comes to power tries to shape the world to their benefit. Right now we have the post-WWII population bubble to wait out and then, I think, things will settle back towards older patterns again.