
New Music From Battles: "Titanium 2 Step" Ft. Sal Principato

retired cynic8/18/2019 8:31:27 am PDT

GOP Response to Mass Shootings: Blame the Left, by El Jefe, Juanita Jean’s

The Tampa Bay Times got their hands on a House GOP caucus memo that gave members talking points to respond to constituent questions about mass shootings and the need for common sense gun safety legislation. The answers are as disgusting and disheartening as you would imagine. They contain the normal boilerplate bullshit, repeating the mental health and video game mantra, even though those myths have been debunked for decades. No Republican can explain, since mental health problems and violent video games proliferate throughout the world, why the US is a singular outlier when it comes to gun violence generally and mass shootings specifically. They will dance around the issue, blaming EVERYTHING except the actual problem - the omnipresence of guns and the ease by which they can be obtained.