
Ichika Nito Expresses a Universal Emotion: "When Your Mom Says She'll Leave Without You if You Don't Hurry Up"

austin_blue1/03/2021 9:13:17 pm PST

Well, Drumpf has finally shot himself to pieces. There’s no amount of spit and duct tape that is going to hold his corpulent plotz in one piece. He is, as they say in Scotland, “Well and truly deed.”

God is an iron, and what killed him was a “perfect call” to the Georgia SoS. His previous “perfect call” to Ukraine last year got him impeached in late 2019, but you will notice that very few in the same Senate that refused to convict him a year ago are rushing to defend him after listening to the whole tape.

And the best part? He just killed R turnout in GA on Tuesday.

I think we’ll take both seats and Yertl the Turtle will be a minority leader for the next two years.

Night all, sweet dreams.