
Overnight Open Thread

Steffan2/21/2009 12:06:37 am PST

Quoting Jimmy Swaggart on anything regarding moral values or science is kinda like quoting Madoff on the stock market.

Swaggart, Falwell, Robertson…. those morons lost all rights to claiming moral rectitude by their actions. Swaggart tearfully admitted that he had “sinned”…. and Falwell and Robertson blamed 9/11 on our sins. Stupid gits.

I think the only televangelists I actually enjoyed watching were Gene Scott and Fred Price. Scott was a trip to watch, especially when he cranked up his bureaucratic monkey toys. Fred Price was the only one I ever saw who actually had an open Bible in his hand on camera.

The last church that I or my family attended regularly was the drive-in church run by Robert Schuller before he built the Crystal Cathedral. He tore down the screen of a drive-in theater and built his church there — there was an open balcony so he could directly address both the walk-in crowd inside the building, and the drive-in crowd (listening to him on the theater’s speakers) out on the lot. AFAIK the Crystal Cathedral sits on the site of his original church, and has the same balcony arrangement.

Lately, I’ve been abiding by Matthew 6:6.