
The Furious Evolution of the Swine Flu Virus

alegrias5/05/2009 11:38:20 am PDT

re: #51 Sharmuta

It is issues precisely like this where the agendas of the anti-evolutionists and the anti-vaxers become more than annoying, but downright dangerous. When illnesses begin to evolve and the population isn’t inoculated against it, or educated enough to treat it- thousands, perhaps millions will die.

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Let’s also not let off the hook, educated rich people who refuse to believe unprotected sex with strangers is RISK FREE.

This week I’m involved with a continuing medical education course “Improving the Management of HIV Diseases: An Advanced Course in HIV Pathogenesis, Antiretrovirals, and Other Selected Issues in HIV Disease”

Many smart people who are urbane, educated & rich, IGNORE how unsafe sex exposes them to viruses’ deadly consequences.

Smart people also act stupidly and contract viruses.