
Randall Terry Threatens Violence if Health Care Pays for Abortion

zombie7/20/2009 1:52:33 pm PDT

The “problem” with abortions is that they’re cheap. As as such, they’re easily paid for and included in most proposed health plans.

What “oldschool” in #33 above is ranting about is a distorted, conspiracy-ized version of the fact that the Obama edition of socialized medicine will exclude certain very expensive things, like dental care and long long term expensive cancer care and MRIs and stuff like that. We can’t afford to give everybody in America Rockefeller-level treatment. So the basic care plan will be fairly rudimentary — it will be “free” to users but the level of care will be somewhat limited — expensive tests and treatments and long-term survival care will have to be doled out selectively, if at all.

But abortions are quick and inexpensive to perform, so aside from any ideological restriction that Randall Terry wants to impose, they almost certainly will be included in the plan.

If abortions were as expensive and difficult as liver transplants, they probably would be excluded from federal funding.

Personally, I don’t want to fund any nationalized health care, but if we are forced to, then all medical procedures should be included at the doctor’s discretion, and we shouldn’t let pressure groups dictate medical policy.