
Video: Fights Break Out at Tampa Town Hall

JohnAdams8/07/2009 10:58:21 am PDT

re: #65 tfc3rid

People are angry and fed up. People are not being properly represented. The people are finally waking up and fighting for something they believe in… The violence aside, I think it’s a step in the right direction.

If we don’t stop this freight train now, it’s over.

The fact remains that the exact status quo we have in our health care system is the result of decades of specific decisions, some right, some wrong, that in total add up to the current state. Is it perfect? No, but it is pretty damn good. Where are the children keeling over in the streets? The idea that this unresponsive Congress is ready to scrap the whole thing and institute a radical, ground-up system that they will control is deserving of an extremely passionate “NO!”