
Virginia Governor McDonnell Declares April 'Confederate History Month'

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)4/06/2010 3:41:56 pm PDT

The GOP doesn’t want any black people to vote for them, I guess.

On days like this, I think Ludwig is right. What the fuck is this shit? This is bullshit.

It’s not that they’re acknowledging bravery of Southern soldiers— that’s fine. Many soldiers got up and fought for their neighbors, for their friends and family. I think they should not have, that those they fought for were not worth their honor, but I can respect that.

But to make this proclamation and just avoid the fucking issue of slavery, to claim it was a war that the South was fighting FOR liberty. That is a slap in the face to every black resident of Virginia, and every black citizen of the United States, for that matter.

In fact, just to draw a fucking line under it:

WHEREAS, it is important for all Virginians to reflect upon our Commonwealth’s shared history, to understand the sacrifices of the Confederate leaders, soldiers and citizens

during the period of the Civil War

Those are all categories that excluded blacks in the Confederacy.

This proclamation literally only recognizes the sacrifices of whites in the Civil War.