
Gingrich Blows the Dog Whistle Loud and Clear

Kruk4/09/2010 4:13:48 am PDT

re: #73 RogueOne

“Basketball” is not a dog whistle unless you’re under the mistaken impression only black people play ball. Some of you need to get outside more.

Oh, and morning all.

The dog whistle was “athlete”, as in “Blacks are gentically advantaged when it comes to sports, but disadvantaged when it comes to intellect.” I’ve seen that far too often on the Inter-tubes, not to mention in supposedly serious books like The Bell Curve. Seriously, Obama is a Harvard law school graduate, president of the Harward law review, best-selling author, constitutional law professor, former United States Senator, current POTUS and Nobel laureate, and the best description Newt could come up with was “athlete”? Gimme a break.

Oh, and speaking of getting out more, some people need to get of their privilege bubble.