
Florida Gov. Crist to Leave GOP, Run As Independent

Randall Gross4/28/2010 2:32:50 pm PDT

Rubio’s a hard core SOCON, he’s only recently adopted fiscon clothing. Look at how he uses his credit card if you think he’s a fiscon. Here’s where his head and heart is at, and if you vote for Rubio you are getting another C st Bible Thumper who doesn’t care about money as long as he’s working the right social legislation. Don’t freaking fool yourselves.

Marco Rubio’s campaign has put out a new release, whacking Charlie Crist for not being tough on social issues like abortion.

The release includes this mention of the Terri Schiavo case, “Crist also received criticism on the Terri Schiavo debate about where he really stood on a Congressional bill that would have let Terri’s parents take their lawsuit to save her life to federal courts.”