
Fox News Audience Spews Racial Slurs at Morgan Freeman

Mad Prophet Ludwig9/23/2011 2:21:05 pm PDT

re: #68 imp_62

I fear that the next victory will come at great cost. And the one after that. And the next following one. The enemy do not care if they lose, because we cannot afford to keep winning. It is as with any bully. The next blow must leave them with a scar that will remind them for a very, very long time.

That is why they whine so pitiably when we give them even a restrained response. It is propaganda to prevent the heavy blow when called for.

That is why those who lie about Israel somehow not being restrained are really just being anti-semitic whether they acknowledge it or not.

But, thank Hashem, we have Bibi in the hot seat right now, and not Olmert or another bedwetter like him. If it comes to it, we will hit hard and strike deep. It will remind them that they will not beat us down or win by attrition. It will remind them that peace is much more profitable than war.

Never give up hope. Never be scared of a bully.