
Andrew Breitbart's Race-Baiting Fake Outrage Du Jour

dog philosopher ஐஒஔ௸10/03/2011 12:26:51 pm PDT

re: #60 Kragar (Proud to be Kafir)

The clip I just watched, they had a CGI alien explode out of the ice. This is supposed to be “The Thing”, where the creature is immensely patient, only exposes itself when it absolutely has to, and hides its true nature as much as possible.

Fucking hell.

the remake of The Thing a number of years ago was yet another sci fi movie with an alien that ended up being a remake of Alien - the original 1951 The Thing was more interesting. almost all sci fi movies with aliens in the past 30 years have been remakes of Alien. it’s a challenge now to portray hostile aliens without remaking Alien