
By semi-popular demand: I'm Curious to why any Jew (or the Israeli state!) Would Cozy up to Evangelical Christians.

OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin11/06/2011 11:04:42 pm PST

re: #72 Buck

If they can slander all evangelical christians, and paint them with this wide brush, who will be next?

When you married the Straw Man, did you take his last name, or did he take yours?

Who is slandering “all evangelical christians”?

You don’t know anything about even SOME “evangelical christians” to be defending them on a blanket basis.

Evangelical Christianity is a big universe. You should learn about it before stumbling all over yourself to try and smile in their face to impress them. No wonder you are overidentified with Herman Cain.