
LGF on Glenn Beck

Archimedes4/16/2009 5:35:48 pm PDT

re: #779 Catttt

My youtube comments range from “cool vid, dude!” to “I love this song!” I received thoughtful disagreement on my Obama vids, rather than emotional rants, and I replied to all of them.

I did get one European who said you can’t like Samael and vote Republican (I used Jupiterian Vibe as the music on “Obama Dream - or Nightmare?”) Oddly enough, she is wrong about that.

I had a back and forth with an Obama fan before the election. He was dripping with hatred telling me how bad it was going to be for me when Obama got elected. Seriously, his whole attitude was that somehow those who are against Obama would be dealt with harshly by the government. Strange, but you can tell when someone is serious.

I got into a long detailed conversation with another Obama supporter, who was heavily into law and heavily affected by university politics. He was pushing postmodernism. He was well educated, but so full of absurd conspiracy theories that it was a massive task to try to ground him in reality, which I ultimately gave up on anyway. When discussing things with people like that I realize how unreachable some people are. I mean, sure, I might be able to reach him, but I’d have to be around him every day.

Most of by conversations on youtube, however, are of the sort you’ve had, verry friendly and on non-political subjects.