
Pastors Celebrate Charles Darwin

Kaboomboom1/31/2009 3:11:11 pm PST

Eight hundred plus comments (yeah, I’m late to the party, but no matter).

I have a friendly suggestion for bona fide Christians (those who have gone through the actual spiritual transformation and, by the gift of grace, have entered into a covenant relationship with Jesus): avoid getting into strife and discord over things that are unprofitable.

Step back a minute and consider the big picture (including the ongoing fulfillment of prophecy and the reckonings to come).

Time is short and you’ve been given a good and satisfying destiny to fulfill. Don’t get bogged down. Most blogosphere material has little spiritual value; it’s usually wood, hay and stubble.

You probably believe that the Earth is neither young nor did God use evolution to create life. I agree. If this debate, or Charles’ attempt to support a hybrid option (stated above) bothers you, don’t let it. You know full well that God had Darwin pegged1800 years before his theory* was proffered, but you cannot expect non-believers to share your position. Read I Corinthians 2.

Paul clearly said: ” But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.”

Love Salamantis, and those like him, and pray that the Father would send the Holy Spirit to intrude and protrude into the affairs of their lives giving them: eyes to see, ears to hear and a heart to understand the truth.

This Word of the Lord came to an American minister last October. With the never ending deluge of bad news from around the world, it’s worth noting here:

Don’t pay attention to or make any plans based on what the media says or what [politicians] say. Stand on My Word in John 16. Pay attention to Me. I [the Holy Spirit] will obey verses 13-15. I will show you things to come. I will lead you through troubled times. I already have THE plan for you, and it’s very good. Follow it. It will not only get you through, it will place you in a very high place—a rich place—a strong place of victory.

You will have to discipline yourself and be diligent to listen to Me. All the other voices will have a plan, a word, an idea for your future and security. Don’t listen to Babylon’s system. It has fallen apart. My system is stronger than ever. My kingdom is flourishing, and THE BLESSING is the place to be.

Keep your eyes on My Word. Listen to it. It will guide you and I will perform it. Love Me. Love My people as I have loved you. Walk in it. Love never fails, and neither does My plan.

Be very cautious to stay completely clean from covetousness. First Timothy 6:10 must live in the forefront of your thinking. If you will do these things, and continue therein, you will come into your wealthy place. A place lifted up. A place in Me already planned and prepared for you now. Here. No Heaven—not yet. But it will seem like heaven right in the midst of all the trouble, and you’ll be able to reach out to untold numbers of suffering people with the Good News of the gospel.

I am coming very soon. Sooner than you think. Keep your eyes on Me and you’ll get the job done.

Let’s major on the majors.

*theory—a noun
-a proposed explanation whose status is still conjectural, in contrast to well-established propositions that are regarded as reporting matters of actual fact.
- contemplation or speculation.
- guess or conjecture.