
Glenn Beck Does the Rockefeller Boogie

Gus9/02/2009 11:10:56 pm PDT

re: #792 Sharmuta

I want to read more Frum- flipped through a book of his one time while browsing a book store (favorite pass time, btw) and it looked interesting.

I’m still a bit surprised I could post as much as I do on Goldwater and have someone tell me they’ve read my comments for years and they think I’m a liberal. Tells me they don’t know what “conservative” means- at least what it’s supposed to mean.

Didn’t they used to call that a classic liberal? I’m not familiar with the term so I may be wrong. But yes, I think people have gotten the term conservative confused over the years. But you know how it is when people will try to assess other people’s ideology. You say one thing that leans to the left and you’re cast as a liberal and vice versa. People that oppose you will use either case to discredit you.