
NYT's Revkin Responds to Limbaugh's 'Suicide' Suggestion

Dark_Falcon10/20/2009 8:35:05 pm PDT

re: #775 Guanxi88

Yes, that’s exactly what socialism is all about - fairness. At gunpoint, if need be, and as measured by your leaders, but fairness.

You think the mythical prospect of people suffering the torments of hell is evil? I tell you what’s evil - an ideology the pursuit of which has stacked up bodies like cordwood in Russia and China, and was so fundamentally stupid that it made half of Germany poor and lazy. Great little system you defend there. I’d rather have someone think I’ll burn in hell than have someone else make a hell on earth and tell me it’s heaven.

Progressive taxation - it sounds so very nice when you put it that way. Heavier burdens on those who can carry more, to the benefit of the State and its permanent client class.

Quite Concur. Socialism is an utter failure, and “progressive taxation to give people a fair shake” is its handmaiden.