
Horowitz Unloads on Obama Derangement Syndrome

scooby3/30/2009 1:05:57 pm PDT

It’s good that we’re policing ourselves, not that we’ll get one iota of credit for it from the left, but just on principle.

Let’s keep in mind a salient fact: nutters are just nutters, and they aren’t particularly ideological. So no amount of policing will get them to stop saying crazy stuff. And it’s stupid to say that because the anti-Obama nutters are particularly pronounced that this is evidence of conservative derangement.

BDS was only an issue because mainstream liberals became nutty. There is *no* equivalent to Dan Rather on the right. And there was *no* equivalent to either Charles Johnson or Horowitz or Hugh Hewitt or even Rush on the left. I’ve listened to conservatives talking about Obama, and the general antipathy is towards his extreme policies, not the man himself.

If anything, ODS is a fiction that only exists because people tend to assume that the modus operandi of conservatives is the same as of liberals. It simply is not and, again, we won’t get credit for doing the right thing from the left but we sure as hell should recognize that we are.