
Chinese Ships Harass US Navy Vessel

SixDegrees3/09/2009 1:54:08 pm PDT

re: #770 CapeCoddah

There is no excuse for the Alderman putting his hands on the man. Those offices are supposed to be open to the public. If the Alderman had a problem, he should have called the police to deal with it. He just sealed his own fate. One does NOT tell ones constituents to “Get the fuck out” after physically removing the constituent from an office.

Unfortunately, I can think of lots of excuses. Without seeing the behavior that led up to the depicted incident, it’s impossible to say whether the alderman’s actions were justified.

Another hint: I can’t find anything about the alderman being charged with assault or battery, which would surely be prosecutable offenses in a case as shown - unless there were other circumstances that mitigated what we saw.

Let’s see the whole tape.