
Palin's Attorney Threatening Lawsuits

Bloodnok7/06/2009 4:27:37 pm PDT

re: #803 Adrenalyn

it’s all Bush’s fault


if he had only had the FCC revoke CBS’ license after the fucking guard doc’s story then this shit would have sharply dimished

instead, the left is emboldened by Bush (and republican’s in general) weakness

I’d like to hope she is done with elective office
and decides to use her energy to take on the media/democrat establishment and make money off speaking fees and lawsuits

Revoke their license? You must be joking. And what would you say if the FCC went after Fox News for giving airtime to a nirther or a website for promoting nirth. I’m guessing you wouldn’t like it very much.

The guard memo sucked. It was wrong. More people should have been fired. But revoke a broadcast license? That makes the Fairness Doctrine look positively tame in comparison.