
Glenn Beck Does the Rockefeller Boogie

Mad Prophet Ludwig9/02/2009 11:13:16 pm PDT

re: #790 freetoken

Reminds me of the Japanese movie “Funky Forest”. There is a scene that is overtly suggestive (well there are many such scenes in that movie) of “probes”. The movie is subtitled “First Contact” and nominally has something to do with aliens.

Many clips of it on Youtube, but I can’t find the exact scene to which I am referring. Just plug in “funky forest” into Youtube and see what you get.

Ahhh Japanese le bad cinema…

Here is the most bizarre Japanese thing I have ever seen … that can be shown on a family site.

The idea is that you do aerobics to learn English. Watch a bit, yes they are saying what you think they are. They have a very interesting view of the English you need to learn if visiting here.

Warning: Extreme Brain Melt

Side effects may be permanent.