
Lebo: Using 'Academic Freedom' to Keep God in the Science Classroom

Birth Control Works2/19/2009 10:12:52 pm PST

re: #730 LudwigVanQuixote

In Jewish tradition, we have the story that in the womb, an angel taught you all of the Law and then touched your lip creating the indentation. When that happened, the Law left your conscious mind so that you could have free will, however, it is still imprinted in you. The story goes on that your job in life is to regain, through your use of free-will that conscious level of clarity and that when you face judgment, your first accuser will be that angle asking what happened to all the knowledge it gave you.

That’s beautiful.

That reminds me of Maria Montessori’s ideas. She said (paraphrasing again) that we are, as infants what she called spiritual embryo’s. Meaning, we are more Him than we are human. He chooses to dwarf himself so that we can become fully human. The challenge of parents and educators is not to interfere too much, but to provide an environment and mentoring conducive to the individual. To let the indivdual grown into the person He has prepared the spiritual embryo to be.

As I understood her writings, the role of the parent is not to “play god” but to assist the individual to grow as G-d intended. The Word of G-d is written on every human heart, the role of the parent/teacher is to allow the child to listen.

Gosh, I hope that made some sense.