
Palin's Attorney Threatening Lawsuits

jet2nc7/06/2009 4:45:13 pm PDT

Gov. Palin has as much right as any citizen to sue for defamation. If news organizations cannot prove they performed due diligence on potential libelous statements which they presented as news they should be in deep trouble.
Unfortunately for the MSM viewing public, the FAX machines with DNC talking points seem to be directly connected to the News Teleprompters at CBS, CNN, MSNBC, NBC and ABC. The MSM news rooms have been outsourced to the DNC spin doctors and the doctors are committing malpractice. Any resemblance of fairness by today’s left leaning MSM news anchors is fiction. Its a sad day today when commercials are more strongly vetted and truthful than the Dem spin being presented as news.