
Breaking: House Passes Health Care Bill

rollwave8711/07/2009 11:04:38 pm PST

interesting that our congressman here in NOLA was the only republican to vote yes…he only won because of the whole dollar bill jefferson ‘cash in the freezer’ incident, and no one really is giving him a chance to win re-election next time…but I guess he at least wants to have a chance, so he went along with what it is undoubtable a majority of the white liberal/black voters in this district would’ve wanted. it’s definitely not going to win him any points with the national GOP. or with the louisiana state GOP/our creepy theocratic governor jindal of the ‘family research council’ party…so he’s definitely going to face a tough battle next year.

but he (Cao) will have my support if Im still down here…not even because Im all that enthusiastic about the health care bill (although on the whole tho, it probably will turn out to be a good thing it passed), but mainly because the corrupt acorn dems down here as well as the theocratic repubs will likely both oppose him now.

sorry. that was kind of a rambling analaysis. but i just got back from seeing that paranormal activity movie and im still kind like ‘whaaat is going on…’