
President Obama Quotes Jimi Hendrix

Nimed9/06/2010 9:47:57 pm PDT

re: #783 TheMatrix31

I’m fed up with it. Don’t know why that’s so hard to accept. You’re not me.

I’m not fucking Rain Man. I can’t recite every character of every link I’ve ever seen about someone calling someone/people a racist/racists for opposing something this administration is doing.

Sorry broseph.

Look dude, you obviously can be fed up with it all you want. The fact is that during the HCR debate there was no such thing as a widespread attempt to characterize reform opposers as racists. Just as, during the Kagan nomination, very few conservatives actually said that Kagan had nazi sympathies (I still think that the other arguments from those who opposed her confirmation were silly, but that’s another matter).