
NSA Uncovered and Corrected More Than 3000 Cases of Unauthorized Access Per Year

Aye Pod8/16/2013 2:25:39 am PDT

re: #80 Charles Johnson

I’m not sure what you think you’re proving by repeating the quote I already used - in full - in my post. It still says exactly what I described: the “most serious incident” involved 3000 people.

Your post gives the impression that the total number of people affected was 3000.

The Washington Post’s new article on the NSA uncovered “unauthorized use of data” of 3000 US citizens. That’s about 0.009% of the population, but you wouldn’t know from the headline: NSA Broke Privacy Rules Thousands of Times Per Year, Audit Finds.

As others have pointed out as well, that was only one of the nearly 3000 cases, but you wouldn’t know that from reading your article.