
Guardian Author Says Mysterious Godlike Entity Deleted Text for His Snowden Book as He Was Typing

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines2/20/2014 3:19:26 pm PST

Wow! I guess hell has finally frozen over. Look what some indiscreet type had the nerve to post at Free Republic:
Crazy Radio Host: I Hate Homosexuality Because I Love Black Men

Bryan Fischer will say anything to legitimize his beliefs that gay people are cooties-having hedonists destined for a life of hell. Their greatest crime? Not certain types of relations, but daring to ask the majority at large that they treat people different from them with common decency and give them the same legal protections that they and their sexless marriages enjoy. When Don’t Ask , Don’t Tell was repealed, Fischer said it would lead to more pedophilia.

More amazingly, it has stayed up for 25 minutes and attracted a number of comments. Some of the commenters don’t seem to realize that Fischer is one of theirs.