
In Which Chuck C. Johnson Lies About Quarantined Nurse Kaci Hickox's CDC Employment

BeachDem10/26/2014 4:15:36 pm PDT

re: #56 teleskiguy

That is so repulsive:

Earlier this year, organizers…registered nearly 90 thousand people who have never voted in their lives, most of them people of color, many of them under 25 years old. But when the groups checked back in late August, comparing their registration database to the state’s public one, they noticed about 50,000 of the registrations had vanished, nearly all of them belonging to people of color in the Democratic-leaning regions around Atlanta, Savannah and Columbus…

“We asked the Secretary of State to meet with us. We wanted to understand if we were doing something wrong, or if there was another database we didn’t have access to. But he refused to meet with us,” she said…

In 2012, the Secretary of State purged thousands of voters from the rolls a few months before the presidential election. Just last month, the same Secretary of State lamented before an audience of Republican activists that the registration of more voters of color would mean a win for Democrats.

Just when you think they can’t sink any lower, those Republicans keep on plumbing new depths.