
Sunday Night Open Thread

Decatur Deb8/10/2015 6:51:49 am PDT

re: #64 Smith25’s Liberal Thighs

Don’t expect the party to value you for more than your vote (and your energy). it’s a political party, not a theology. Since FDR the Dems have been a fragile herd of perfectly valid interest groups all tending in the same general direction. The RW bastards know the Dem vulnerabilities and have successfully exploited them several times in a generation. I don’t consider myself married to the Democratic Party—I just vote for them every freakn’ time and increasingly donate and work for them. The party is a corrupt, shaky wall but it is the only thing standing between us and Bull Connor. Don’t break it.

(Went to grad school in Lexington in the early ’70s. It was a pretty cool town smothered in money. Of course all little college towns are Shangri-La.)