
Chaos Watch! Head of Trump's Legal Team Quits Because Trump Won't Follow His Advice

BeachDem3/22/2018 12:40:28 pm PDT


According to Vanity Fair’s Gabriel Sherman, the president plans to add Victoria Toensing, who is the wife of recently hired lawyer Joseph diGenova, to his legal team.

I’ll yield to Charles P. Pierce:

Back 20 years ago, diGenova and his wife, a lawyer named Victoria Toensing, were regulars on the then-nascent political gab circuit…diGenova’s wife, the aforementioned Ms. Toensing, is working these days at laying a few more whacks into the dead horse that is Uranium One. In the pairs competition, they earlier promoted the notion that the Obama administration was threatening witnesses in the endless Benghazi investigation…Now we have the Whitewater Undead staggering out of the ancient crypts of cable news and back abroad in our politics again. Somebody should ring the green rooms with garlic.

I well remember Victoria being even more odious than Joe. Ugh