
Samantha Bee's Bad Boy Roundup: The Manafort & Don Jr. Show

BeachDem8/09/2018 2:27:38 pm PDT

Another exchange from the “conscience” green candidate in Ohio-12:

“You really thought you would have had a chance of winning against those two?” the ABC reporter asked.
“If I would have gotten some media coverage,” Manchik told her.
“Well, maybe you would have gotten media coverage if you had your phone number on your website,” she protested.
“It is on the website,” he said.
“No, it’s not,” she said.

And then, his final description of our political system:

“There’s a one party system, and that party is a corrupt, corporate-owned Democratic-Republican duopoly oligarchy mafia —” He paused. “Cabal.”

Alrighty then.