
John Oliver With No Audience: Coronavirus II

lawhawk3/16/2020 11:20:05 am PDT

re: #75 The Pie Overlord!

Cuomo doesn’t take crap from anyone, and he also like to share credit with anyone else. He fired Andy Byford from MTA because he was getting credit for turning around subway service after it ran into trouble after Cuomo interfered in goals/priorities in order to build out the 2A Subway and other critical issues fell by the wayside.

Never get between Cuomo and a microphone.

But Cuomo is working well with his fellow governors across region, and hopefully they can expand the tristate coordiation to include PA, MA, VT, and OH too. They all have a common enemy and all face the time crunch together.

They’re all doing the thing Trump should be doing - but Trump would rather tweet critiques of debate performances and how well the stock market is doing thanks to rate cuts that don’t stop covid19 spreading.

The Dow is down 10%. S&P is down 9.6%. NASDAQ is down similarly.

All the Trump era stock gains are toast.

And within the next few weeks, we’ll hear that all the jobs gained are also getting vaporized as businesses fold and need to make sure that the millionaire owners of big businesses put their profits above worker needs.